Funded Projects | e-Flavour
Project Name | e-Flavour
Project Code | POCI-01-0247-FEDER-049337
Main Objective | OT1-Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
Intervention Region | North
Beneficiary Entities:
Lead Promoter | Neoception, Unipessoal Limitada
Co-Promoters | University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
Approval Date | 28-12-2020
Start Date | 03-04-2021
Conclusion Date | 30-06-2023
Total eligible cost | 499.632,82 €
Financial support from the European Union | FEDER – 332.388,46 €
Total eligible cost UTAD | 355.047,39 €
Financial support from the European Union UTAD | FEDER – 266.285,54 €
The e-Flavour project aims at developing a sensor with the ability to detect the taste of food, making the analysis independent of events that tasting panels are exposed to. In the initial phase, a preliminary study will be conducted using model solutions, followed by the implementation of the sensor in the evaluation of Portuguese DOC table wines and batches of chestnuts sourced from the PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) of Castanha da Terra Fria.